develogic kv

Workflow i zarządzanie dokumentacjąWorkflow and document management

Develogic Workflow and document management module is a ready solution supports the process of circulation of documents and information in developer's and building company; available in any place in the world, using any device with www browser. Module provides automatic control over agreements' realisation, and matches them with invioces and purchase requests at the same time; it informs on useage of previously planned budget and supports the settlement of charges and guarantee deposits due to building agreements. Electronical construction log and process of documents management enables flexible project management as well as current tasks control.

Moreover, electronical repository of company documents and chancellery workflow (documents with OCR) makes common work of all project participants easier (developer, general constractor, construction company, investor, etc.)

Electronic workflow: documents, agreements and invoices

Investment implementation process

Workflow i zarządzanie dokumentacją

Functionality of Develogic Workflow and document management

Managing Building Agreements

Building agreements workflow enables to track the process of agreement realisation as well as its settlement (invoices, guarantee deposits and payments). Due to extended parameters, which descbribe a document (deposits, charges, payment schedule, type of agreement, sum of deposits take, etc.),the system enables a control over agreement realisation, settlement of construction works, invoices and budgets.

For each agreement it is possible to define guarantee deposits and other charges (off-invoice deduction). Consequently, the system automatically incalculates them in settlements in terms of contractor's invoices.

Additionally, the process enables to track the stage of agreement realisation in relation to invoices – posted and paid. The system controls agreement realisation advance and warns or blocks acceptance of an invoice exceeding the value of an agreement.

The system allows to define seperate ways of workflow and invoice acceptance for certain kinds of invoices (marketing invoices, general contractor invoices, etc.)

All agreements are stored in central repository of agreements together with related invoices, deposits and other documents, which makes them easier to search and access.

Basic functionality:
  • diverse ways of acceptance – the way of agreement acceptance may depend on:
    • SPV
    • investment
    • project
    • stage
    • building
    • type of building agreement
    • category of cost related with a given agreement
    • other parameters defined during preimplementation analysis
  • automatic budget update – where Develogic Budgeting Module is implemented, workflow of agreements is connected with this module. For each agreement there are parameters downloaded automatically from suitable budget, which enables to match the agreement with suitable position or positions (possibility to devide the agreement into few budget positions or few projects and budgets) in Develogic Budgeting Module,
  • matching with Develogic Budget:
    • shared module of management of companies, investments, stages, etc.
    • downloading of budget list, budget line
    • synchronisation of documents,
    • automatic addition of active agreements into Develogic Budget
    • automatic update of budgets in Develogic Budget
  • purchase/order control – linking building areement process with purchase acceptance process (the system controls predicted budget expenses) allows to avoid the realisation of agreements which go beyond accepted expenses level,
  • control of purchase as well as realisation of agreement,
  • support in settlement of guarantee deposits and other charges arising from the agreement,
  • dealing with agreement's annexes
  • e-mail and sms notifications.
Workflow of cost and building invoices

This functionality provides automation of each step in invoice processing, starting with the moment of receiving an invoice, through attribution and acceptance, and finishing with posting it in ERP system. Module is also an electronic data base, as each processed invoice needs to be scanned and described in the system under a given specification. Invoice attribution and acceptance is an electronic process (also using electronic signature) of giving suitable data: company, stage, investment, building, account, projects, cost centres, etc. Due to that, an invoice can be send automatically to suitable accountant system.

Depending on the type of invoice (general, building) the system directs it into a suitable process with automatically assigned gaps for invoice description (eg. For building invoices there are additional gaps linking them with building projects as well as agreement charges and guarantee deposits). Each invoice may be matched with building agreement, application and budget line.

Module downloads automatically the list of conditions to meet in invoice settlement and controls correspondance between positions in invoice and agreement, as well as whether amount of invoice does not exeeds the one of agreement based on previously posted invoices. Moreover, depending on invoice amount, invoice can be accepted by a given person or sent for further acceptance to other employee.

This solution provides with reports on purchase invioces, eg. Aging of accounts receivable (planning cashflow) etc.

Within this process all purchase invoices are saved in invoice repository (scanning paper documents, OCR, giving specifications).

In order to accelerate the process and improve the contact with people responsible for attribution and acceptance of invioces, it is possible to use e-mail or sms notification system. When no action is taken in a given time, the system informs supervisor automatically.

The system provides current cost control due to comparing of cost and building invoices with budget lines in Develogic Budget

Basic functionality:
  • multiple ways of workflow and invioce acceptance – depending on company, investment, stage, building, invoice type (cost, building, general contractor, marketing, etc.), the process can be realised in a different, defined by customer way (eg. it can contain various levels of payment acceptance, can be sent do project management who is responsible for a certain project, investment or building),
  • expanded system of invioce attribution
  • synchronisation with ERP systems within:
    • accounting
    • MPK codes
    • contractors
    • cost invoices (building, general, general contractor, etc)
    • sales invoices
    • bank accounts
    • information on budgeting (name of budget and line, number of line, etc.)
    • FV payment status
  • possibility for mass acceptance of cost invoices
  • full control over investment costs – linking invoices with agreements and budgets guarantees up-to-date information on budget realisation and helps to control project costs
  • general contractor invoices – the system can support the process of reinvoicing either the whole invoice or certain positions,
  • dealing with deposits and charges within agreement realisation – the system calculates automatically the invoice amount after deposit deduction as well as it informs of deposit total amount on an invoice (only informationally),
  • exeeding agreement-invoice amount alert – if total of invoices posted exeeds an amount agreed in agreement, the system informs about it automatically when another invoice is to be accepted,
  • tracking agreement realisation:
    • based on agreement and invoices (value is updated after each acceptance by project manager)
    • based on posted and paid invioces
  • automatice budget update – possibility to integrate with Develogic Budget to which, after processing, all cost invoices are sent and automatically linked with certain budgets or budget lines; control over invoice and payment realisation,
  • cost invoices OCR
  • notifications – e-mail or sms notifications on given tasks, important documents, exeeding limits, overdue documents, etc.,
  • full history of operations – all the changes for each document are saved in the system together with information on what the change is and by who it is done,
  • integration with any accountant system.
Building budget control and settlement

Together with Develogic Budget, Develogic Workflow and Documents Management supports settlement and control of investment budgets. For chosen agreement or invoices workflow, the system enables to link them with suitable projects, budgets and budget positions from previously prepared budgets in Develogic Budget. Each invoice linked in this way, influences the realisation of certain budget lines. Due to that it is possible to track the project schedule at any time. Additionally, module shows all agreements and invoices linked with budget, which improves the process of documents searching.

Basic functionality:
  • information on total amount of posted invoices, agreement terms and conditions, deposits and charges available as elements of agreement descritpion (the list of all invoices linked with the agreement) as well as elements of invoice description (deposits and charges, agreement value, budget),
  • support in the process of guarantee deposits and charges settlement – the system downloads automatically all the information on agreement value, deposits and other charges and calculates the sum to be paid. Additionally, the user receives information on posted invoices value in relation to certain agreement's positions,
  • linking each invoice and agreement with individual budgets and budget lines (when using Develogic Budget Module),
  • control over costs and implementation stage – each agreement, invoice, payment is linked with individual budgets of certain projects in Budget Module, changing the implementation stage,
  • e-mail and sms alerts of overspending,
  • investor and general contractror zone – possibility to set special zone for investor and general contractor
  • control over settlements with general contractor in relation to law on subcontractor payments,
Dealing with guarantee deposits and charges

Develogic is equipped with mechanisms which allow to deal with settlement of guarantee deposits and other agreement charges.

The process of deposit release may be initiated by subcontractor (contractor) by paper document, e-mail or any other system action. Module checks automatically linked agreements and the conditions of deposit release (may be paid in installments), terms and dependence on terms – eg. it can depend on investment close. Next, based on invoices linked with agreement, the system calculates the sum of deposit which is possible to release. Depending on company, investment, stage, etc. the acceptance of deposit release is dealt with, first, by people responsible for particular investment , and secondly, by accountant department. At the end of this process, the system saves information on the sum of deposit released and link it with both, agreement and invoices.

When integrated with Develogic Budget deposits can be automatically synchronised with contractors' settlements in ERP system and with budgets.

Basic functionality:
  • integration of deposit release process with agreements' processes
  • automatic checking of deposit release conditions, such as:
    • payment in installments
    • date of deposit release
    • stage of agreement implementation
    • the end of investment or certain stage,
  • flexibility in defining release conditions (eg. System verification, protocols)
  • deposit settlement management – calculating the sum of deposit released besed on specifications of deposit released, included in agreement.
  • Information on guarantee deposits released is saved automatically in agreements and invoices.
Tenders and Land Purchase Offers

This solution enables the process approach to participation in tender procedure, searching and analysing vacat land for investment.

The process begins with adding information on land or tender notice together with a land description which allows Project Department to prepare analysis and offer, and further, to accept this offer eg. by management board. The system stores information on plot area, city, district, description of infrastructure and surrounding, offer's source, etc., which allows also to track history of tenders related to particular land. Next, information on tender is send for analysis, where it is discussed in the context of land attractiveness, possibilities of investments as well as a decision of participation in tender procedure. The process can be finished with tender offer preparation within a module and a process of land purchase. Based on saved data, it is possible to track and report on particular lands.

Basic functionality:
  • requisition for purchase of land,
  • register of a new tender,
  • possibility to specify the tender and land by any parameters which enables further reporting (eg. location, initial price, final price, competition, participation conditions, etc.)
  • land analysis by Implementation Department
  • providing management board with land and tender evaluation,
  • preparing an offer within the system,
  • reports and analysis for archival tenders.
Purchase of building materials

The process of dealing with purchase of building materials can be used in developer or construction company for electronical creation, management and acceptance of requests for expenses. The system deals with whole process of requesting in company, without wasting time for paper work or signatures collection.

Electronic order process starts with preparation of request by an employee. It is created by means of products' catalogue available in the system or, if not available, individually taking into account financial limits. Such prepared order is sent electronically to a department manager or investor (budget controller) together with e-mail notification on order waiting for acceptance.

Each employee can access the list of orders within application. Using this list, an employee can find all the information on past orders or whether the order is executed or not. The system might be a perfect source for accountant department in establishing reserves.

Basic functionality:
  • electronical history of order
  • purchase limits – system controls automatically the level of limits' use for particular departments, employees, projects, etc.,
  • e-mail or sms alerts on overspending,
  • products and service catalogue available to order
  • transformation of accepted request into offers collection process, preparing an agreement, and later, its settlement based on invoices – possibility to track the whole process as well as related documents on all stages,
  • reports and analysis connected with purchase and limits' use,
  • integration with Develogic Budget
Management of Investment Documents

Documents Management Functionality is designed for people who deals with all kind of documents neccessery during project implementation (projects, permissions, arrangements, administrative decissions, agreements, tender documents). This solution allow to create the lists of these documents, which are neccessery to manage particular premises and, at the same time, to set tasks in relation to these documents (cases). Module enables to set cases deadlines, reminder date, tasks connected with the document as well as people who are responsible for these tasks.

This tool improves documents' tracking system as well as communication within projects (the more complicated project is, the more important documents' management is).

The module systematise work of project participants, provides clear system of workflow and documents' acceptance. Easy access by means of any device with internet browser makes communication much more efficient; also due to built-in discussion tool.

Basic functionality:
  • predefined, modifiable documents' presentation together with tasks and division into companies, investments, stages, categories, cases,
  • automatic creation of category cases lists according to given pattern for each stage,
  • presentation of open cases, overdue cases, etc.
  • support in files' changes history – each version of a file has information on author, modification date and comment on change, possibility to view or rollback
  • various supported file formats (Word, Excel, PDF, CAD, and others)
  • automatic notifications on events related to documents (e-mail, sms),
  • simultanous work of few people with the same document,
  • defining document access on catalogue levels and types with exceptions (a user who does not have access for a given catalogue, can have an access to a given document exceptionally)
  • changes acceptance and creating acceptance process
  • discussion on cases and documents related to project.
Office management, incoming and outgoing correspondence

Structured office is the base of each company. Module enables to replace the traditional, incoming and outgoing workflow.

Incoming documents are firstly scnanned in the office, entered into the system and reported and then entered into the electronic workflow system. Only authorised people may share electronically documents for acceptance with particular people or departments.

Outgoing documents may be created in a group and then sent electronically to the office. After receiving, the office manager can print them and send in traditional way to recipients.

Due to extended repository of documents one can search documents, attachments, information on status and person related to the document. Authorised people can check the version of document, changes made and history of acceptance.

Basic functionality:
  • incoming workflow (scanning and OCR of incoming documents, archiving in repository of documents)
  • outgoing workflow (document's creation process, transfering, printing, sending, letters)
  • flexible reports and statements – possibility to generate reports and statements by the user
  • permission management – advanced system of management of permission to access documents and processes (defined for process, but also selected document or its part and elements),
  • replacement – the module enables forwarding documents and processes to people who replace a particular user (in the case of holiday or other absence),
  • multiple connection of documents – each document in the system can be linked with various number of other documents (eg. relating to one case, permissions, statements etc.); the user is able to track the history of linked documents easily (eg. a list of all invoices related to one agreement),
  • browsers – built-in system of searching which enables quick access to chosen elements.
Repository of documents and applications

Repository of documents and applications is a central data base of a company. It enables documents' management as well as tracking documents' changes (projects, agreements, tender documents) taking full account of the specific nature of developer or construction company. Within repository, there is a possibility of creating save archieves with extended mechanism of authorisation and sharing documents. Full text searching, defining individual overviews, advanced filtring make it much easier to browse and track history of changes as well as it shortens time of working on documents. This tool improves communication during complex projects. Develogic solution enables not only working with documents and access to the newest versions, but also possibility to infrom about changes all the project participants from any place.

Basic functionality:
  • scanning, OCR and automatic enter of documents to the system,
  • digital register of documents (advanced solution of giving and managing permissions for documents, possibility of documents searching, grouping and linking documents (eg. invoices with agreements), generating templates and many more),
  • support for common work with one document (register of versions and document change etc.),
  • integration with MS Office and generation of documents templates,
  • full text searching and barcode support,
  • reports supporting management,
  • e-mail box – automatic addition of documents and starting processes based on e-mail.

This functionality enables e-invoices exchange among cooperating entities.

Provided that agreement between parties allows exchange of electronic documents, Develogic Workflow and document management enables full atomatisation of issueing and receiving invoices.

A document, delivered by e-mail according to EDI standard or any other agreed, can automatically start suitable process, which was previusly defined within dealing with cost and building invoices.

Basic functionality:
  • automatic distribution of e-invoices
  • possibility of import and export of invoices between cooperating entitie,
  • initiating processes based on invoice sent by e-mail – a system automatically recognises a suitable process, contractor, SPV, and send it to a person responsoble for a particular document (eg. project manager)
  • contractor zone – possibility of creating contractor zone from which they can enter invoices into the system on their own as well as track them.
Scanning, OCR, barcodes

The system gives the possibility of scanning and OCR, which is automatic recognition of content of scanned documents.

In intuitive way one can transform paper documents into digital ones, seperate pages automatically and eliminate empty files. Moreover, due to built-in SD image recognition, there is a possibility of immediate placement of files in documents' archives (repository). Thanks to integration with external systems, there is no need for rewriting customers' data, accounts numbers or other information entered to the system previously.

Develogic Workflow and document management supports barcodes which are placed on documents while scanning. Barcodes are generated automatically when entering documents into the system and they are printed on self-adhesive paper. After sticking it on a paper, scanned document might be attributed by the system and put into workflow.

Barcodes support enables faster and more efficient searching of documents in archieves and correspondence with customers becomes more structured and clear.

Basic functionality:
  • automatyczne skanowanie dokumentów,
  • analizowanie oraz rozpoznawanie treści dokumentu oraz jego typu,
  • autouzupełnianie pól w dokumentach odczytanymi danymi (dane kontrahenta, nr rachunku bankowego, data wystawienia faktury, kwoty netto, brutto, Vat itp.),
  • automatyczne inicjowanie procesu na podstawie danych uzupełnionych w ramach OCR,
  • elastyczny mechanizm „uczenia” się nowych typów dokumentów (szablonów),
  • możliwość pełnotekstowego przeszukiwania wszystkich dokumentów wg słów zawartych w ich treści,
  • archiwizacja dokumentów w ich elektronicznym repozytorium,
  • OCR dokumentów bezpośrednio z telefonu komórkowego lub tableta,
  • automatyzacja pracy dzięki wykorzystaniu kodów kreskowych podczas oznaczania dokumentów,
  • integracja z systemami ERP.
Graphical Modeler

This functionality enables defining processes within workflow in developer and/or construction company.

Due to graphical modeler of processes it is possible to create new workflow processes in company, as well as introduce changes itno existing ones. Module allows to model whole business process, starting with process route, through tasks and permissions, and finishing with defining response time and replacement

Basic functionality:
  • user-friendly graphical interface – designing and building in graphic editor within one of the most popular notation BPMN,
  • availability by www – similarly to other Develogic solutions, modeler is available independently on location , using internet browser,
  • modeling and publishing processes – functionality of maping any business processes,
  • intuitive handling – possibility to modify and add new processes by customers' employees,
  • immediate update of processes – changes introduced into modeler are immedietely introduced into testing and production environment with no need of changes in programming,
  • possibility to adapt tools according to customer's needs,
  • clear modeling method and intuitive handling – short time needed to demonstrate to customer's employees.
Documents templates, mail, e-signature

Within implemented business processes, various documents might be created (agreements, projests, schedules, etc.). Develogic Workflow and document management offers defined documents' templates, which can be automatically filled with data and edited during the process. It halps to save time, as even many-pages documents demands only decision on what data filled it with. Automatically generated document can be signed electronically and send to recipient.

System provides automatic archieving and introducing documents into workflow, including these in e-mail box. Thanks to that one saves time by not transfering attachments manualy, opening repository and and adding e-mails with attachments into repository.

Each of registered and authorised users of Develogic Workflow and document management has possibility to sign documents electronically. Each document in the system may be signed by few users, which make changes more authentic. The system supports both ineligible signature and legible signature.